
Showing posts from February, 2010

India ranks 4th among money obsessed nations

India ranks 4th among money obsessed nations Bangalore: With importance of money being increased after financial crisis, India has emerged one of those nations, which believes the saying "money talks" more than people in other countries, and typically thinks that cash is very important. According to the World Journal, a public survey launched by Reuters and Ipsos, India ranks fourth with 78 percent of its people placing greater value on money after the financial crisis, which is followed by Russia, Turkey and Brazil. But, there are84 percent of respondents from China, Japan and Korea. "Money confirms a person's success" is a common opinion among people from these countries. 69 percent of Chinese and Korean's agree, while 67 percent of Indian's and 63 percent of Japanese support it too. However, most European people, especially the Dutch at 50 percent, think money is no more important than before. Following the Dutch, Mexican's, German's, Briton&#

Deutsche offers Rs.1.44 Crore at IIM-A placements

Deutsche offers Rs.1.44 Crore at IIM-A placements Gandhinagar: The second phase of the placement process at the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad (IIM-A) is going on well with over 20 offers made, and Deutsche bank setting the pace, with record offer of Rs. 1.44 crore plus package, reports Economic Times. IIM-A started its placement process on February 13 and so far, companies have come to the campus under two clusters for the placements which is likely to be a month-long process. Deloitte made 10 offers (including lateral offers) for consulting roles while other regular recruiters like TAS and Feedback ventures offered general management and consulting roles and hired six students each. According to a statement issued by the IIM-A, Indian investment banks, corporate leadership programme and global fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) operations are among the several prominent cohorts constituting cluster two. Other recruiters on campus were Hindustan Unilever, Procter & Gamble

Govt spends Rs.5.2 Crore for Kasab's 'anda' cell

Mumbai: To Protect 26/11 Mumbai Terrorist attack alone survivor Ajmal Kasab from any possible attack or sabotage, Maharashtra Government has spent Rs 5.24 crore to construct a high security cell at Arthur Road Jail. The cell which is called as -'anda' cell, where Kasab is kept in solitary confinement, has a reinforced steel wall. Talking to the Times of India, a Government official said that this is arguably one of the costliest infrastructure reinforcements provided for a single accused in the country. This fact came int public notice, after Juhu-based activist Yogacharaya Anandji had filed the RTI query to know the total investment done by government to construct anda cell. Anandji said, "This much of expenditure is just a footnote. It does not include lawyer's fees, protection given by security forces and possible delays in the legal process."